About Bubbamama

We are a group of cosmopolitan mommies who pride ourselves in living healthily.  When we are not fussing over our Bubbas, we are keeping abreast of fashion & beauty news and finding out about exciting travel ideas and destinations.  We strive to take excellent care of ourselves (both on the inside and out!) and naturally seek out the very best for our Bubbas as well. At BubbaMama we are all about living an empowered life alongside our Hubbys, our Bubbas and everyone we meet!

Comments 10

  1. You two make one of the most adorable pictures I have seen..

  2. alethea says:

    Babe, really I admire your courage. 🙂 girl power and I totally feel you made the right decision.xx

    • says:

      Thanks. I had a lot of help from my family, my cell group and close friends. Couldn’t have done it without them. I asked God to take care of both of us if He wanted me to take such a tough path and He did 😉

  3. Sujata says:

    You are so strong and I admire you! SIngle mom’s don’t have that support, not just financial but morally as well. You are wonderful and keep it up with the great work! 🙂

    • says:

      Thank you Sujata! I’m very blessed to have my family and friends for support. Couldn’t have been able to survive til today without them

  4. Dear Katherine,

    On behalf of the National Library Board (NLB), we would like to invite you to pledge your blog to the Singapore Memory Project as part of efforts to collect memories that are already manifested in existing online channels.

    The Singapore Memory Project (SMP) is a national initiative to collect, preserve and provide access to Singapore’s knowledge materials. Spearheaded by NLB, the SMP aims to build a national collection of content in diverse formats (including print, audio and video), to preserve them in digital form, and make them available for discovery and research.

    By pledging your blog to SMP, you are affirming that every memory matters. Whether your posts are an account of your daily life, or an expression of your thoughts, the SMP hopes to find a home for your memories so that it can help build towards an understanding of Singapore. You will also receive a badge that you can display on your blog in recognition of your contributions.

    Contributors to this blog pledging initiative will be listed on Singapore Memory portal’s blog pledging webpage. All blogs pledged to SMP will archived using NLB’s web harvesting software, in addition to images of each blog’s landing page.

    If you are keen to pledge your blog to SMP, simply fill up our response form at this following URL: http://singaporememory.simulation.com.sg/Public/Pledge.

    You may find out more about this initiative at http://www.iremember.sg/?page_id=2822.

    We are looking forward to your contribution.Do also let your fellow bloggers know about this initiative. They can pledge via the URL above.

    Simulation Software & Technology (S2T) Pte Ltd
    583 Orchard Road #14-02 Forum The Shopping Mall S(238884), Singapore
    |w: http://www.simulation.com.sg

  5. Wyndee says:

    Hi Katherine,

    Greetings, we hope this message finds you well. We have come across your post “Experience Disney Winter Wonderland at Changi Airport.” This is one of our projects at Ape Works Pte. Ltd., and we are seeing your article as a wonderful opportunity for us to collaborate. You may want to feature our events, or mention our name and the link to our company website, http://www.ape.sg on the articles that you find relevant.

    Do let us know if you are interested, we are looking forward to working with you.

    Best regards,
    Wyndee See
    Ape Works Pte. Ltd

  6. DavidJer says:

    Hi there:
    Hope you are keeping well despite the current Circuit Breaker lockdown in Singapore.

    If not, I have some good news, hope can perk you up little bit.

    If you or you know of someone who are:
    1. extremely stressed out by the current COVID-19 situation, not sure how to cope with it any longer as it has already impacted the livelihood or one’s view towards life
    2. with pre-existing psychological conditions, exacerbated by the current COVID-19 situation, seeing no light in the future, losing hope or starting to give up
    3. in need of a mental boost to one’s self-confidence and resilience to fight this crisis and overcome any associated challenges

    I urge you to pls book a complimentary 1:1 online counselling and hypnotherapy session with us to bring back control and take your life back ASAP.


    Pls use this coupon code “GIFT” to fully waive off the $89 session cost when booking online.
    Limit to the FIRST 10 redemptions only. So hurry and pls share this out to others who may benefit!

    This message is created automatically.

    Pls use the all-in-one contact button in http://www.mindease.sg/ to reach us. Thank you.

  7. David Biton says:

    Shalom, David here.

    Your website and business look great and both seem well established.

    I am messaging to both compliment your business + to give a headsup about the unreasonably low pricing I am charging (for a limited time) to new clients interested in my graphic design services.

    Reply back to say Hi, ask to see my portfolio, or visit my site.

    Email me: david@graphicdesignisrael.co
    Website: http://GraphicDesignIsrael.co

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