Meet Our Team


Katherine Sng

Katherine Sng is a single mother living in Singapore.  She is an advocate of living a healthy lifestyle through exercise; eating right; keeping a positive and youthful outlook of life; and, to live vicariously while you can. When not spending time watching her son Bubba grow, she is catching up on the latest news and entertainment gossip. She firmly believes that empowerment is possible for anyone, as long as they believe in themselves and the people around them.


Chew Hui Chin

When not chasing after a hyperactive toddler, Hui Chin can be found chasing leads for her online furniture business. She’s still trying to work out the magic formula for work-life balance and would appreciate any (pretty please!) life/parenting hacks.

Clare family

Clare Victoria Eastwood

Clare Victoria Eastwood is British born but having lived overseas for the past 15 years, her life has seen her saying farewell to the damp grey skies of the UK for a life of nibbling warm baguettes in France and now she has found enjoying the hot, often sticky but always colourful days of Singapore.  Living a full life with her hubby, their 2 boys and their mini zoo of pets, when she is not busy taxi-ing her boys to and from play dates and helping out at the SPCA, she enjoys her well deserved ‘me’ time.  She loves to throw herself into writing about all things beauty and she hopes to show that being a yummy mummy is not just for the celebs.

pic for BubbaMama meet the team

Liz Champion

Liz Champion is a freelance writer and copywriter from the UK. She is passionate about books, running and writing. She writes a book blog and a running blog Liz loves writing and is currently studying for a master’s degree in creative writing. In her family life, Liz is a proud auntie to Olivia, aged two. She lives in Yorkshire with her partner, two dogs, two ponies, two rabbits (named Cathy and Heathcliff) and a horse. Visit her website at or follow her on Twitter @Lizzie_Champion.


Cher Fen Peh

Cher Fen is a working mom who loves cooking, beauty, fashion, and travel. She also loves raising her two girls in her tiger mom ways too!


Dawn Seow

Dawn is a mom of two active little boys and is always on the lookout for fun activities for her kids. She believes life is for living and living it well. This includes eating healthy, being active and loving the earth God has given us.


Karina Leacock

Karina Leacock is an award winning Image Consultant and Fashion Stylist based in the UK.  Her purpose is to empower and inspire people to be the best version of their physical and authentic self by using colour and style as tools to define their personal brand.  Fashion is important, but true style is instinctively personal to you.  Karina teaches true style.  When not painting the world in colour, Karina is a keen health enthusiast, loves the gym and power walking for miles.  When not running around after her 2 young children, she’s also rather partial the quintessential English ‘Afternoon Tea’.


Jiahao Tan

Jiahao Tan Public Relations Specialist by day and writer by night. He is currently pursuing a Diploma in Mass Communications in Ngee Ann Polytechnic’s School of Film & Media Studies. When he is not busy with school, he spends his time travelling and exploring different countries for ideas and inspiration.


Li-Anne Sia

Li-Anne Sia is a mother to 2 children.  She is a teacher by training and has always been in the education sector, having written books and numerous magazine articles on teaching & learning and parenting. Together with her awesome team of loyal teachers, she started Two by Two which has successfully created a curriculum that is not only unique but also engaging and fun for children.  Two by Two is her other baby and is the pioneer in using play to teach Mandarin as conventional schools still rely heavily on rote learning and memorisation.

If you have questions regarding Mandarin for your child, please visit to contact her.


Maria Kong

Maria Kong is a caring mother to two beautiful girls and a loving wife to her husband.  She believes education is the best gift a parent can ever give to her children and strongly advocates good education, healthy living and showing love to be the best way to nurture young children.

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Rachel Lee-Han

A mother hen to 2 beautiful girls, a retail marketer by day; shares her daily rants, frustrations and joy on her blog which sometimes feature topics that challenges the norms of parenting ways. Follow her journal on wordpress and instagram where she welcomes debates and sharing to make parenthood a bigger adventure than it already is.


Teri-Anne Brink

Teri-Anne Brink is our home grown Singaporean correspondent who is living in Gothenburg, Sweden. She has 2 bubbas of her own and has been working in the field of Early Childhood Education for over 20 years. Teri-Anne is also a drama teacher at the Scandinavian International Theatre School and is currently pursuing two Masters degrees in Communication and Multi-Media.

Agnes Goh

Agnes Goh

‘Life isn’t about being unafraid, but being afraid and doing it anyway.’ So, Agnes is always up for new experiences. She enjoys exercising, dancing, learning Korean, doing volunteer work and part-time modeling. An advocate of a healthy lifestyle, she’s also a registered yoga instructor. Check out her Instagram @aggy_goh for some yogi inspiration (oh, and nice foodies)!

Caleb Yeoh

Caleb Yeoh is an Avid Cat Worshipper.  Food Fanatic.  Loves puns and buns (in all senses).  His favourite pastime includes watching cat videos, reading Buzzfeed, cooking, baking and knitting.  Occasionally, he indulges in a good glass of fermented grape juice (READ: Wine).

Cassandra Kong

Media professional by day and mother to her son at all other times, Cassandra is still on a quest to discover how to soak and immerse in everything that happens as her young son makes the growth journey from a newborn to toddler. A journey that seems too long at times, but happens too quickly most of the time.


Edward Chester Eastwood – Junior Photographer
Edward Chester Eastwood is our budding photographer, he has a true photographer’s eye for a good photo opportunity and uses his patience to capture the very best shot.  Besides photos, he likes to plan out his own video creations he then edits and, of course, adds those all-important special effects and music!  When Edward is not behind the camera his hobbies and activities include tennis, basketball, coding and he does make an awesome virgin mojito.  Edward is never far from his earphones where he enjoys streaming music and watching YouTubers.

Eric Christoper Foo

Eric is an aesthete, bibliophile, good/bad mixer, homebody, gadget freak, music fan, caregiver, advocate, listener, friend, brother, son and God-chaser.


Fitri Handa Yani

Fitri Handa Yani is a Web Ops Executive by day and writer by night. She believes that storytelling is a powerful tool to inspire and influence change. Starting a travel website to share her globetrotting muse with travellers alike is a goal that she continuously work towards without sacrificing her sanity. Showing great interest in women empowerment, she hopes one day her words will be powerful enough to advocate gender equality and freedom.


Janice Chew

Janice is a self-confessed sushi and lingerie enthusiast. When she’s not writing, shopping or eating, she can be found dancing all night long to techno music beats.


Tealle Tong

Tealle loves simple things like eating, laughing loudly and spending time with people she loves. Watching movies and cooking are some of her favourite things to do. She believe in living life passionately and she hopes to travel round the world someday.


Ynez Lim

Ynez Lim is a budding writer with a love for all things beauty and food. She’s currently pursuing a Diploma in Creative Writing for TV and New Media and it has led her on many interesting adventures. When she’s not busy with school she spends her time travelling with her family and swatching new makeup at Sephora. She’s also an avid reader and loves to binge on Netflix. PS. She’s taking basic French and hopes to learn Latin someday.


Yin Yan Teo

Yin Yan Teo is a student with a passion for writing. She is currently pursuing a diploma in Mass Communication at Ngee Ann Polytechnic’s School of Film & Media Studies. She was also the youngest intern at Singapore’s #1 public relations agency, Golin/Harris Singapore.

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