I’ve never really thought I would visit London but Gabriel was the reason which brought me here in London. Through the preparation for this trip I had many encounters with God and so did Gabriel.
Gabriel’s encounter:
Prior to my flight, my cell group prayed for God to touch Gabriel and for him to connect with God again. Just as we were deep in our prayers, my friend Eric took a photo of us and sent it to Gabriel. Gabriel received the photo while he was walking alone past Westminister Abbey and he burst into tears – his experience of God’s presence.
Another encounter he had with God was when he was unpacking his new apartment, the song ‘Somebody will Love Me’ (Michael W Smith) suddenly played on his sound system. God was trying to tell Gabriel that he is not forgotten and that he is watching out for him.
[embedplusvideo height=”507″ width=”640″ standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/kV9gTQrA2_o?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=kV9gTQrA2_o&width=640&height=507&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep7366″ /]
There were many times I tried to drag Gabriel to church but he was so resistant and didn’t attend church for many years. By God’s grace, we managed to attend the Sunday service at St Peter’s Walworth Church. Although Gabriel is a staunch Protestant and despite St Peter’s Church being Catholic, during the service, we witnessed a baptism and the sermon spoke to him. It was about Jeremiah’s tribulations having forced to leave his place on uncertain terms and about God’s plans for all to look forward to going home – Home being our home in heaven eventually. After the service, Gabriel decided he will be attending this church after speaking to Pastor Andrew who especially prayed for him and introduced him to the congregation.

I didn’t do much as the temperature dropped drastically (I hate and can’t handle cold weather) but it felt like I have so much to share about my experience here.
Beautiful sharing! Let’s continue to pray for Gabriel!