“When you force feed youth these days about sustainability, it gets lost in language. If we empower them about situations, think about the cause and action, the choices they make, it may leave an impression.” – Denise Keller, renowned travel & adventure host for Discovery Channel & TLC and green advocate.
Growing up making herself happy with simple things in life like being environment friendly – feeling good about recycling when she visits her father’s village in Germany – and doing green things, Denise Keller advocates nurturing from young, changing mindsets and behaviour through education; and having conversations bringing awareness how many green things we do a day.
1Dream1Tree – Planting a Tree
Working with Double A Paper, Denise Keller is fronting Double A 1Dream1Tree campaign in Singapore and Malaysia, engaging in activities to create awareness of the importance in using sustainable products in everyday life. The 1Dream1Tree campaign allows us to plant our own Paper-Tree for every Double A Paper 80gsm ream we purchase – scanning the QR code (1 QR code per tree) on every ream jacket between now and 30 September and register with our Facebook or Google+ account to have our Double A Paper-tree planted in our name in Thailand and E-certificate to mark our ‘baby’.
Targeting to plant 1 million Paper-Trees from participating countries Singapore, Malaysia,Thailand and Korea, the Double A Paper-Trees are grown by the farmers in KHAN-NA spaces in Thailand creating a sustainable and secure livelihood for the Thai farmers.
{KHAN-NA – Thai word for the vacant strips of land between rice fields traditionally used as pathways to other rice paddies}
The Double A Paper-Tree is unique fast growing hardwood straight trunk tree which is self pruning and matures in 3-5 years producing high quality wood with less knots. The coordinates of each Double A Paper-Tree is sent together with the E-certificate, so if we want to visit the KHAN-NA where our tree is grown, we can easily track it down.
As consumers, we play an important role – if we buy it right, we can shape the industry. For our future generation’s sake, we should all take care of our environment and not wait for another bad spout of haze to occur or for more drastic climate change to make a difference. Living it green isn’t always the most convenient way of living our lives but if we integrate the happy habits into our everyday lives, we can all make a small contribution in saving our mother earth.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

A Greener Office

Drive Less

Go Green by Eating Green

It ALL Starts from Home

Now, we can start making changes in our lives and count the green things we do to help heal our Earth and protect our future from climate change.
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- KidZania Kids for a Greener World (
Good tips. It's true that recycling should begin at home and let our children know the importance of green living and its impact on our environment.
I used to sort out my rubbish only to see them get put together and sent to the incinerator or rubbish dump.
My mantra know is reduce and use less.
We should start reminding each other about going green so that our kids get to enjoy what our Mother Earth has to offer.
I am also start to have a better awareness of recycling things. Now I will donate my magazines out, and I love double A paper. Only thing I hate is eating green.
Yeah! Donate the magazines, so it gets read many times!
I totally agree with you about the greens…. But just think of it as helping you with your beautiful skin and it’d be easier to eat them.
Great tips! We r doing a lot of recyclig at home too! I think the office situation is worst though. So much paper is wasted!
Yah! I always feel guilty using paper at work! So I like to collect them to use as drawing paper for Bubba.
There is a difference between reusing and recycling and people often think that recycling is good enough. We also need to educate our kids to reusing first, then think of recycling when the item is well-used.