Meet Citira Corrigan – winner of the reality TV show Fit for Fashion, mother of three, and now a budding scriptwriter. We talk to Citira about her experience on the show and how it’s given her the confidence to finally follow her dreams.
Ten weeks ago Citira Corrigan was one of twelve contestants about to start her Fit for Fashion reality TV journey. After years of struggling to control her eating habits and battling depression the 33-year-old was hoping the show would give her the opportunity to make positive changes to her life. Citira was exited but also nervous, especially about spending time away from her husband and three children. She hoped the sacrifice would be worth it.
Fast forward to the finale of the first series and Citira Corrigan, a stay at home mum now living in Singapore, was crowned champion. After surviving the tough fitness and fashion challenges that were designed to push contestants to their limits, Citira was presented with her prize of $100,000. The sacrifice, it seems, paid off. But for Citira taking part in the show was always about much more than money. She was looking for a transformation in body and mind.

Citira says, ‘I feel that I am not only physically fitter, stronger and healthier thanks to the training and challenges put to us by the Fitness First trainers, but also stronger mentally and emotionally. This journey has transformed me inside and out and I think the joyful, balanced lifestyle I have now is not only a testament to that transformation, but the ultimate prize.’
When tackling the challenges Citira found a new confidence and strength, and surprised herself at just how resilient she could be. ‘I think I re-learned how strong I can be,’ she says. ‘And how much I can do when I put my mind to it. While the Fitness First trainers spurred me in to this training journey, at the end of the day it’s up to me to push myself – and I can do it!’

If there was one task that Citira excelled in and enjoyed it was the TV commercial challenge where she had to script and act in her own commercial. ‘It was a dream come true because I love to write and I was able to use my creativity. I surprised myself, and I think other people in this challenge.’
Her success in this particular task seems to have reignited her passion for writing and encouraged Citira to pursue her ambitions. Realising that it’s not too late to achieve her dreams is the main thing Citira has taken from her reality TV experience. She’s always wanted to pursue a career in writing screenplays and scripts so, with the prize money in the bank, that’s exactly what she intends to do. She adds, ‘It’s been a dream of mine to write a screenplay and make a movie, so I want to empower that dream by enhancing my knowledge and skills.’
For Citira the prize money offers a chance to make her dream a reality. After paying off her debts, the money will be used to finance her studies and give her the opportunity to finally start working towards becoming a scriptwriter.
‘I have a wonderful husband and sons,’ Citira says. ‘But every year it becomes more and more expensive to raise a family. It might sound boring and pragmatic but paying off our debts will alleviate so much financial burden by giving us a clean slate. After that, whatever prize money remains I plan to put towards finishing my studies and attaining qualifications and skills that will help me to pursue a career in film and television. I want to achieve my dreams and also be empowered to provide for my family.’
With her new commitment to a healthy and active lifestyle, Citira feels that anything is possible. ‘I learned so many lessons along the way,’ she says. ‘But perhaps the most important is that it’s not too late for me to pursue and achieve my dreams. It’s not too late for anyone!’
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