We start off a new year with hopes that we will fulfil our resolutions only to find that we haven’t really accomplished them. I just want to say, don’t be too hard on yourself because statistics have shown that only 45% of people make resolutions and only 8% of them succeed in meeting their resolutions or goals. These are the top 10 resolutions for 2012, is one of your resolutions up there? People make resolutions to anticipate a new year and a new beginning, it’s like a new committment. Hence, these committments have to be realistic and serves as a constant reminder to the goals set.
Before every year ends, I will have a resolution list without fail, but this year I want to do it differently, I am resolving not to make any new resolutions for 2013 ;). I am going to stick to resolution 2012- focus on my relationships with God, Bubba, my family and friends- and embrace the new beginning in the new year with a positive mind!
I wish everybody to a Happy New Year and a prosperous 2013!
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