Reading is a good habit to cultivate and bubba is read stories everyday. He finds reading difficult to especially in Chinese. Recently, MandarinaKids sent Bubbamama a bilingual (Chinese and English) book “Ariel and Her Honesty Pig” to help us teach Bubba Chinese.

The bilingual book, “Ariel and Her Honesty Pig” comes with an audio CD rom (audio aid) which helps reading the book (visual aid) in English and Chinese easy. Holding Bubba’s finger, we read the book by tracing the Chinese characters and reading it at the same time.
The book uses a flip-flap method – top flap shows the Simplified Chinese Characters and Han Yu Pin Yin while the hidden passage below the flap is in English. This helps native English readers to focus on the Chinese passage before revealing the English passage underneath the flap to better understand the story. Key Chinese Vocabulary from the passage on each page are enlarged and emphasized on bigger flaps, this helps increase Bubba’s Chinese Vocabulary and allowing him to trace the Chinese character with his finger, then we reveal the meaning of the characters in English hidden below the flap.

The book not only teaches the languages – English and Chinese – it also include life’s good values and lessons like honesty is the best policy, the value of friendship, counting in Chinese, being different and what makes a birthday party.
Since there are so many lessons, we focused on how “Ariel and Her Honesty Pig” taught Bubba about being truthful and not telling lies. In the story, Ariel lied to her friends initially and when she revealed that she had been telling lies about having many friends attending her imaginary birthday party, her two friends became more understanding towards her and introduced her more friends who like her for who she is.
Find out how this book can be used in other ways at blog of The Chill Moms.
Mandarina Kids is giving one “Ariel and Her Honesty Pig” to one lucky reader. All you need to do to win is LIKE MandarinaKids Facebook Page and fill up the entry via Rafflecopter app. The lucky winner for “Ariel and Her Honesty Pig” Giveaway will be contacted by Mandarina Kids after the contest ends.

The book “Ariel and Her Honesty Pig” is suitable for kids ages from baby tot 6 years old.
For more information about “Ariel and Her Honesty Pig” and other books, please click on the link http://mandarinakids.com/books/bilingual-book-ariel-and-her-honesty-pig.