Mothers are known to have super endurance and energy even when they are lack of sleep (What? 4 hours of sleep daily? How can anyone do it?). The secret and the answer to that endless energy is COFFEE! Like most mothers, I can’t get through the day without a good cup of coffee and it would really get me going when I have one- and it would usually be a long black or an Americano (when I am watching my waistline), a Cuppacino or Café Mocha (when I feel like indulging).
When I was younger, I came across many articles telling me that coffee AGES MY SKIN and dehydrate my body so I always had the URGE NOT to drink it (even when my friends were shoving the delicious Starbucks coffee in my face). Over the years as I read more, I realized that there are far more BENEFITS than the side effects when drank in MODERATION- not more than 3 cups a day.

So here goes!
Coffee may have anti-cancer properties– drinking coffee regularly has been linked to reduce risk for certain cancer (liver, colon, breast and prostate).
Coffee elevates depression– a study by Havard School of Public Health involving 50,000 women found a 20% lower risk of depression in women who are regular coffee drinkers compared to women who are not. (Perhaps having coffee with friends and having conversations in a nice Café help as well?)
Coffee helps to boost metabolism– drank without sugar and milk; it can increase the metabolism and speed up fat-burning in our bodies.
Coffee may add years to your life– according to a published research in the New England Journal of Medicine, drinking coffee regularly is associated with a longer lifespan, it protects us from type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, depression and suicidal tendencies.
Coffee keeps the mind working– research has shown that coffee reduces the risk of Parkinson’s disease as well as Dementia. It is also a stimulant for boosting brain function and improves short-term memory. (Be warned *stern face*, refrain from drinking coffee 4 hours before bedtime, you don’t want coffee to work against you at night)
Now that I have given more reasons to have a cuppa coffee 😉
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