Guardian Health & Beauty has finally unveiled the 2016 winners of its annual Health and Beauty awards
Hold up! Guardian Health & Beauty, Singapore’s leading health and beauty retailer that has won the hearts of many over the years with the comprehensive range of products it offers, has finally unveiled the 2016 winners of its annual Health & Beauty awards!
The awards included 2 main segments, the ‘Experts’ choice’ and ‘Consumers choice’ segments. Under ‘Experts Choice’, a panel of 10 expert judges personally tested and scouted for health and beauty products on the ‘A-list’ that scored high on both quality and popularity. Consumers had their chance as well as many flocked to Guardian’s website to vote for their favourite products.
Now, all of us were definitely geared up for useful tips shared during the panel discussion by experts in their respective fields. Here are the key takeaways!
“I think that a lot of people are starting to look at their inner health – what they’re eating, how they’re responding to stress, and also things like allergens in food and skincare products. Because your skin is your largest organ, and gut health is also really important, a lot of attention is being paid to that. I’m always pushing for people to look at their inner health – how you lead your life in addition to what you put on yourself.” – Wong Li Lin, Media Personality, Founder of Loopz and Deputy Director of Thomson Medical Group. She even added that she tries to prepare homemade food for her children, to try home-grown vegetables and also uses less artificial flavouring. There’s a lot of truth to the saying ‘You are what you eat’. When you eat healthy, your body will look healthy as well!
“Singaporeans have been concentrating a lot on skin care because they feel that they need to have good skin care in order to shorten their time spent on makeup. Skin care is extremely important to having great make up. Your base has to be very well moisturised, supple and smooth for the makeup to look nice.” – Roseanne Tang, Head Make-up Artist & Trainer at Bloom by Roseanne. Heard that, ladies? Getting the right sunscreen, right moisturiser would lead you on the right path in keeping that youthful glow and being proud, beautiful mummies.
“One of the key challenges that I face in my practice is that patients only go to see the dentist if they’re in pain. If they’re not in pain, they would rather delay seeing the dentist. However, that trend is slowly improving with education and affluence, and more people want to get their teeth fixed not just to be healthy but to look good as well. We always try to encourage patients to get treatment done to make sure that their teeth are healthy first, before we enhance the appearance of their teeth.It’s a very well-proven fact that oral health has a direct link to systemic health. It’s very important that dentists recommend their patients to see the dentist regularly at least once every six months. A lot of conditions in the mouth can happen very silently and can also be transmitted like a cough and cold. Very often, patients are surprised when a dentist points out a spot of decay or a wisdom tooth infection coming on as they do not feel any pain.” – Dr Gerald Tan, President of the Aesthetic Dentistry Society of Singapore; Founder and Clinical Director of the Elite Dental Group. Dental care is underrated. Keeping in check with the health of our teeth and actively taking steps to protect them is essential. Start early!

Click HERE to see the rest of award winners.
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