Philips Avent has recently launched a new Electric Breast Pump inspired by baby’s natural feeding process to help mothers power up their breastfeeding process and to love every moment of the journey.
Many can agree that breast milk is the best source of nourishment for babies. Regardless if you are breastfeeding or expressing breast milk for your little one, it takes hard work. From getting that perfect latch for direct nursing to adhering to a strict schedule for pumping, the process of nursing a baby can be demanding and challenging.
Why Use a Breast Pump?
Breastfeeding does not always come as a breeze for all mothers and each pregnancy may also pose a different set of breastfeeding challenges even for the same mum. Here are some reasons for expressing breast milk with a breast pump:
- Difficulty in latching baby
- Painful or sore nipples from latching
- Ability to get better control of the feeding amount and schedule
- Ability to share feeding with family members or other caregivers
- Ability to build up breast milk supply
- Ability for mothers to take more rest
In order to maintain a good milk supply and avoid feelings of discomfort, it is important to pump every 2-3 hours. Some mothers also drink herbal teas to help in lactation. Nonetheless, having a good breast pump can help mothers express milk more efficiently and save time to catch up on their beauty sleep and attend to the endless to-do list.
Why We Love the New Philips Avent Electric Breast Pump

The new Philips Avent Breast Pump is inspired by baby and made effective for mum. It uses Natural Motion technology to mimic baby’s suckling for faster, gentler and hassle-free expression.
With other 10 years of research and insights in the market, Philips Avent Electric Breast Pump caters to different nipple sizes and shapes. It has a soft, one-size-fits-all silicone cushion that gently collapses and adapts to a mother’s changing nipple size and shape throughout the nursing journey. The pump is compatible with 99.98% of nipple sizes, up to 30mm.
Philips Avent pumps come with a combination of suction and nipple stimulation. The new Philips Avent Breast Pump comes with a total of 8 stimulation and 16 expression levels. This is a step up from its double pump which offers 1 stimulation and 3 expression level. By offering more levels for mothers, you can personalize the settings to optimise your milk output.

Designed with a memory function that saves your preferred pumping settings, the new pump will automatically adjust to your desired pumping style during your next pump. If you have selected a high stimulation or expression level for your previous pumping session, the pump will progress from a mid-level to your previously set stimulation or expression level gradually and comfortably.
The new Philips Avent Electric Breast Pump initiates twice as fast milk let down within the first five minutes and provides mothers with a smoother and quicker milk flow within as little as 47 seconds.
This lightweight, battery-powered breast pump is also suitable for busy mothers who are returning to work. This portable device is specifically designed for a quiet experience so mothers can pump discreetly while on the go.

Despite its portable size, the new pump is equipped with a timer to help mothers keep track of the duration taken for each pump. The lighted LED display comes in very handy for night pumping sessions. Intuitively designed with just 4 buttons, mothers can easily toggle between the different settings with ease.
Where Can I Get the New Philips Avent Electric Breast Pump?
This product that’s new on the menu, is available on Philips e-store at a regular price of S$259 and at all Philips-authorised retailers. For more information on the Philips Avent Electric Breast Pump, visit