Nowadays, immersive learning and 3D technology are building opportunities for cross-cultural exchange and virtual learning journeys for young learners in Singapore.
Josiah Montessori, in collaboration with Singapore-based edtech startup ACKTEC and China-based edtech business EduDesign (正己基业), has successfully organized its first-ever cross-border dual classroom programme. Powered by ACKTEC’s immersive learning platform, the first iteration of the class connected kindergarteners from Josiah Montessori in Singapore and Yuxin Preschool (育欣幼儿教育) in China and brought them on an interactive learning journey through a 3D virtual mockup of Gardens by the Bay.
This launch of the dual classrooms marks Josiah Montessori’s first step in bringing Singapore education and culture to a global audience. Through the dual classrooms and immersive learning experiences, young learners can embark on learning journeys, interact with their peers from other countries and engage in cultural exchange, even without leaving the country (or even going to Science Centre events!).

“We were heartened and surprised by the children’s enthusiasm for the dual classroom session,” shared Wendy Tan, Director of Josiah Montessori. “The dual classrooms provide a valuable opportunity for kindling cultural exchange among young learners, especially amidst the current travel restrictions. Now, even without stepping onto a plane, students are able to meet with their peers from abroad, share about their own culture, and even take a virtual step into new places and other countries through 3D technology, helping us mould our students into becoming the global citizens of tomorrow.”
Following the successful launch of the programme that involved 16 students, future sessions of dual classroom teaching will continue to introduce and showcase places of interest from around Singapore, opening up more opportunities for cultural exchange and international education. It will also see the inclusion of more students participating in the learning.
“We have been a longtime education technology partner with Josiah Montessori, and are excited to collaborate with them in building innovative classroom experiences that bring Singapore culture and education to a global audience,” said Rayvan Ho, CEO of ACKTEC.